by KOLA2021 | Oct 9, 2020 | Vegan Cafe and Restaurant Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is a developing country with amazing food. As countries develop, fast-food franchises begin to establish themselves with cheap food designed for the masses. At Kola we aren’t fans of ‘fast-food’ as we really focus on packing our menu with...
by KOLA2021 | Oct 9, 2020 | Vegan Cafe and Restaurant Sri Lanka
We love Sri Lankan food, and whilst it isn’t all Vegan, we are proud toknow about some amazing Sri Lankan restaraunts in New York City The largest population of Sri Lankans outside Sri Lanka is found in New York City, Staten island one of the five borough in New...
by KOLA2021 | Sep 19, 2020 | Vegan Cafe and Restaurant Sri Lanka
Hello from Elspeth, Jane, Joe. Stefan and...